WIP stands for “Society for Women in Philosophy”. SWIP Germany e.V. is a non-profit association based in Germany. It was founded in 2012 in Berlin. Our purpose is to promote gender equality in academic philosophy in the German-speaking world (in universities and other academic contexts).
We have ideological affinities to the Societies for Women in Philosophy in other countries, but all SWIPs operate independently from each other.
The current executive committee was elected in November 2023. It consists of:
Prof. Dr. Christine Bratu (Vorstandsvorsitzende)
Ass. Prof. Dr. Maren Behrensen
While most of our resources on this website are in German, we are happy to reply to queries in English. You find some links to English-speaking resources in our link list. We also fund English-speaking projects that pertain to SWIPs goals. You can find a representative list of projects we have funded here.
Contact e-mail: swipgermany[at]gmail.com
Contact Address:
Swip Germany e.V.
c/o Prof. Dr. Christine Bratu
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Philosophisches Seminar
Humboldtallee 19
D-37073 Göttingen